President’s Report

Suburban Terrace Civic Association March 2025 President’s Report 

Hello neighbors! 

Spring is right around the corner! Let’s hope that the warm weather that is on its way will be calm and predictable. 

January 14, 2025, Meeting Recap


JPSO Deputy Charlie Heaslip gave us crime stats. Stats for our neighborhood look good. Not much to report. Keep looking out for suspicious activity and report when necessary. Help JPSO help us. They can’t be everywhere. We are their eyes and ears!

Mural on Jefferson Highway

We thank Entergy and Chris and Ashley Genard, owners of the property on the northeast corner of Jefferson Highway and Shrewsbury Ave. on which the mural is displayed, for the monetary donation that made it possible. We appreciate your cooperation in involving the STCA in the plans to renovate the property and your donation which helps improve the aesthetics of our neighborhood. 

Legislative update 

Louisiana State Senator J. Cameron Henry gave updates on several issues before the legislature. He spoke specifically about redistricting and adjustments to the Louisiana tax system.

Senator Henry also mentioned that a new $10 billion data center is being constructed in Rayville, located in Northeast Louisiana. This will bring thousands of new jobs to the area as well as tax dollars for the state. 

The Senator also stated that the next session will address LA DOTD (Department of Transportation and Development) issues. There are many infrastructure issues to be addressed.

Senator Henry will be back for our March meeting to discuss some of these issues as well as the upcoming elections. 

Neighborhood News 

Discussion took place around the construction of a turn lane on River Road at Deckbar, crosswalks at Jefferson Playground and the resurfacing of Clara St. 

Updates on these issues will be given as latest information becomes available. 

STCA Facebook Page

We have created, maintained, and monitored our Suburban Terrace Facebook page. The page is dedicated to exchanging information between the paid members of our Suburban Terrace Civic Association. If you are a user of Facebook, are current on your membership dues, and would like to join, please send a request to join. We will check our membership rolls and allow admittance to our members. Anyone with an internet connection can access our website to find out more information about our association and join at:

Membership fees for 2025 are now due. 

Individual Membership: $15.00/year

Household Membership: $30.00/year

Please renew your membership at our meeting by seeing either our Treasurer, Rhonda Gauthier, or our Secretary, Kim Catalano, at the welcome table or visit our website and renew your membership online.

Online payments are payable through PayPal. 

When you are at our meeting, please visit our Advisory Board Member Suzanne Falgout to purchase 50-50 tickets. This helps add to our treasury and you could win money!

For everyone’s information, the annual dues collected are used to pay for refreshments at our meetings, yard signs that inform our neighbors of our meetings, our Annual Night Out Against Crime refreshments and entertainment, meeting supplies such as 50/50 tickets and various other essentials needed to run our organization. If any member would like a more detailed explanation of how our dues are spent, please make a request at our meeting and it will be sent to you.

March 11, 2025, Meeting

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at the Pink House (Thomas C. Laughlin Building) located at 4518 Jefferson Hwy. We are using this building until further notice. 

The doors open at 6:30 pm and we will start promptly at 7:00 pm.

Our Guest Speakers – March 11, 2025

Louisiana State Senator J. Cameron Henry, District 9, also serving as the President of the Louisiana Senate, will provide us with information on the upcoming March 29, 2025, election. The ballot includes four constitutional amendments for consideration. Senator Henry will provide information on the amendments as well as updates on property and auto insurance.

Senator Henry will also have a representative from Jefferson Parish with him at the meeting. 

Again, we appreciated Senator Henry taking time out of his busy schedule to come and talk with us. 

3 Southern Girls

A representative from the local restaurant will be at our meeting to discuss their restaurant. Let’s support our local businesses. 

Tammany Baumgarten – Initiative of GNO

Ms. Baumgarten will talk to us about native plants. She will also have small plants to distribute.

Margaret Ether – CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates)

Ms. Ether will speak to us about opportunities to help in their mission. 

CASA’s mission: Whatever their age, children who have experienced abuse or neglect face a frightening unknown: courtrooms, foster care, new schools. We make sure they don’t face it alone. Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers are appointed by judges to advocate for children’s best interests. This best-interest advocacy makes a life-changing difference for children and youth who have experienced abuse or neglect.

Refreshments – March 11, 2025

Refreshments for our next meeting will be an assortment of St. Patrick’s Day sweet treats and bottled water. Refreshments are provided by our STCA Hospitality Committee. We thank Jeanie Knesel and Kristy Reeser for their work in providing us with a tasty snack at our meetings. 

Upcoming Events

Please put our next meeting on your calendar, Tuesday, May 13, 2025. 

Our guest speaker at the meeting will be Angela DeSoto, Director, Jefferson Parish Engineering Department. Ms. DeSoto has been working with STCA Board Member Suzanne Falgout on making improvements to the sidewalks on Jefferson Highway. 

We thank you all for your support. Your Suburban Terrace Civic Association would not be in existence without a team effort by our STCA Advisory Board Members. We live and work in this neighborhood right alongside all of you. Let us know where we can help. We do what we do on a volunteer basis to help preserve our neighborhood and make sure that it is a place we are proud to call home. 

Hope to see you at the meeting!

Judy Wolf 

STCA Advisory Board Member