May Minutes

STCA Meeting May 14, 2024 Minutes 1. Introduction a. Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Prayer, Introduction to the Board 2. JPSO Crime Statistics a. Capt. Gattuso (retiring) b. Small numbers of reports of battery, suspicious persons, vehicle tampering, 1 auto theft, burglary (of utility trailer); 2 thefts; 2 burglary suspects (at Riverdale) arrested. Larger number … Read more

November 2018 General Membership Meeting Minutes

STCA GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING 11-13-2018 Meeting called to order at 7pm Moment of silence Role call of officers Speaker JPSO Captain Curtis Matthews crime stats from Oct thru Nov 12, 2018 1 attempted burglary 2 thefts from vehicle 3 suspicious persons 0 robberies 0 residential burglaries Speeding issues on Morris-Jefferson Highway-South-Riverdale-Vinet Speaker Emily Arata about … Read more

Meeting Minutes July 10, 2018

July 10, 2018 General Membership Meeting Business Expo Meeting called to order at 7pm Pledge of Allegiance Moment of prayer Secretary calls role Lisa reviews old minutes-motion to accept-motion seconded Lisa goes over her notes from the Ochsner meeting Lisa askes all residents to call our Representative Cameron Henry to include our end of Jefferson … Read more

Meeting Minutes May 8, 2018

General Membership Meeting May 8, 2018 Meeting called to order at 7pm Pledge of Allegiance Role call of STCA board members Moment of Silence Police officers gave crime stats please see attached Opiod Crisis Speakers could not attend Police officers elaborated on procedures They carry Narcan which is a reversal agent nose spray for overdose … Read more

Meeting Minutes March 13, 2018

Suburban Terrace Civic Assoc General Membership Meeting March 13, 2018 Meeting called to order by Lisa Loup the President at 7pm Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence Secretary Kim Catalano called role of officers Lisa asked to change the meeting agenda so our guest speakers could speak Motion accepted Both candidates spoke John Fortunato Joseph … Read more

STCA General Membership Meeting January 9, 2018

Meeting called to order by the President Lisa Loup at 7pm We recited the Pledge of Allegiance and observed a Moment of Silence Roll Call by the Secretary   Jefferson Parish Constable Election March 24th Candidates running for Constable both spoke for a few minutes,  Joe Zaffuto Allen Leone Jr The election for Constable will be … Read more