Suburban Terrace Civic Assoc General Membership Meeting March 13, 2018
Meeting called to order by Lisa Loup the President at 7pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Secretary Kim Catalano called role of officers
Lisa asked to change the meeting agenda so our guest speakers could speak
Motion accepted
Both candidates spoke
John Fortunato
Joseph Lopinto
The audience had a chance to ask the candidates questions
It was great to get a chance to listen to both candidates
Jefferson Parish Police gave us the crimes states
January thru March 4 auto burglaries(car doors not locked)
One auto theft
Old Business
Mail problem is being addressed
Neighbor concerns:
Playground traffic for events
Vagrant lady at Causeway
Massage parlour-back page ads
Councilman Johnson has contacted owner about the massage parlour
Cars parked along the playground at night late
Speeding on streets
Jefferson Highway Improvements
Contact Steve Scalise for help with this project
Nextdoor neighbor can be useful however not so nice
Treasurer Rhonda Gauthier gave the financial report
Public Schools-Voice be heard
Spring Fling April 21, 2018 from 12-2pm at the gym
Band-food-neighbors-photo booth-pet adoption-fun-need volunteers please
May meeting will have a speaker concerning the opiod crisis
Human Resource Services & DEA will speak
Very important topic
July meeting will be a business expos for our local businesses
Booths and give aways-meet your local business owners-buy local
Wayne from one of our newest businesses THE HIPPIE KITCHEN came to our meeting