Meeting Called to order at 7:02 pm by President
In honor of Veterans the president requested the veterans in attendance to please come up and lead us in the pledge. 8 veterans lead the pledge.
Moment of silence took place
Secretary was unable to attend so roll call was not taken
Minutes from September meeting motion was made and seconded
New business was discussed
Photos of the new planting at the Jefferson Parkway sewer lift station were presented and accepted by members
The Dodge street sign decorations were discussed and a member volunteered to do the Christmas decorations on the Jefferson Parkway sign
Jefferson Highway tree plantings were again discussed with a promise from parkway that they will install soon
The By-Law changes were addressed to the general membership and reviewed. The president asked the membership to please go to the website and review so the new By-Laws could be voted on in January at the membership meeting
Treasurers Report was presented to the members by Rhonda Gauthrie
The upcoming January meeting was discussed with highlights on the upcoming speakers and the January Membership drive
Guest Speaker Emily Rey presented the history of Suburban Terrace using visual aids. Her facts included Plantations, Creation of Jefferson Parish, churches, businesses and local residence
Members from the audiences shared facts of their parents and grandparent history. Presentation was well received and the input was enthusiastic.
The president then turned the meeting over to Stacey Spies for the getting to know your neighbor game. Stacey gave the directions and started the game
All members played and seemed to enjoy getting to know your neighbor.
Answer sheets were collected and the raffle for 50/50 took place
The turkey and gift card raffle followed
Meeting Adjourned with snacks and drink provided