The Officers and Advisory Board Members would like to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.
I would like to remind everyone that our November meeting will be Tuesday, November 18th., a week late because Veteran’s Day falls on our regular meeting day. The meeting will begin, at 7:00pm, in the Golden Age Center at Jefferson Playground. Our guest speaker will be State Representative, Cameron Henry. We will also be nominating Officers for the Association’s election at our January 6, 2015 meeting. Anyone wishing to run for office may have someone nominate them . Offices open for election will be President, 1st Vice president, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, and Recording Secretary. We are also looking for people who are interested in becoming members of the STCA Advisory Board. Anyone interested should contact me at, or by phone at 837-3235.
The Annual Suburban Terrace Civic Association Christmas Party will be held Saturday, December 6th. beginning at 6:00pm until 9:00pm. The menu will include fried turkey, jambalaya, macaroni and cheese, peas, sweet potato casserole, ham, salad, dinner rolls, soft drinks, and numerous desserts. If you would like to contribute a dish, please bring a dessert. We will also be accepting door prizes should you feel so inclined to donate. Anyone wishing to help set up, we will be meeting Friday, December 5th. at 7:00pm in the Golden Age Center to decorate, or you may help clean up and pick up after the party Saturday night. We are still looking for a Santa, anyone who may wish to help out, we have a costume, we just need someone to fill it, If you are interested or know someone, please contact me. We will again have door prizes, Christmas music, (hopefully) Santa and stockings for the kids, and fun for all. I hope to see all of you there.
Our Annual Night Out for Crime was again a great success. We had several hundred people attend. I would like to thank everyone who helped set up and clean up, cook, serve, donate door prizes, bring desserts, ice and food. I think everyone had a great time and met their neighbors and new friends.
I was a little disappointed with our drain cleaning project. We only had ten people show up. The people who did help did a great job, but we could have done much more. Its a shame that few people thought enough of their neighborhood to expect so few people to help prevent flooding here. People complain every time we have a heavy rain about street flooding and they won’t even take the time to help prevent flooding. We will have another drain cleaning event next Spring and I hope more people take an interest or I don’t feel it would be fair to ask the same people to clean drains for people who are too lazy or have no interest in helping themselves.
Please remember or next meeting is Tuesday, November 18th. And the Christmas Party will be Saturday, December 6th. Please come and enjoy yourself with friends, neighbors, and family. We look forward to seeing all of you there. Thank you,
Kennith J. Lassalle