The President’s Report
The heat is upon us and my best advice in dealing with the heat is to take it slow when working outdoors. Drink plenty of fluids before you venture out and take multi breaks to cool your body temperature down. Remember if you become dizzy, nausea, lightheaded or your heart is pounding get out of the heat immediately and seek medical attention if needed. Heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and dehydration can be life threatening. Please be safe out there and if you see a neighbor in need please get involved and offer to help. We have many fragile residents in our area and helping them to bring their garbage can to the curb and back or bringing the mail and /or paper to them is a great help. Thank you all in advance for your community services it is always appreciated.
I and several of the board members attended the town hall meeting about the Oschner Expansion on June 21, 2018 at the Yenni Building. All of the improvements planned will take place between Causeway and the New Orleans city line. STCA is very disappointed and feel as though we are being left out of much needed improvements along Jefferson Highway between Causeway and Clearview. Several of us addressed the Town hall officials and expressed our concerns. It is very important for you to express your disappointment to our elected officials on a state level about the proposed improvements on Jefferson Highway and our area being excluded. We would like new usable sidewalks, and curbing along Jefferson Highway, safe crosswalks and business improvement grants too. Oschner’s main campus is on Jefferson Highway but they also have offices in Elmwood and Clearview and we are the go between but yet our area is not slotted for any improvements. It is simply ridiculous to think that everyone going to Oschner is going to use Causeway and not Clearview or the Huey P Long Bridge and then right through our neighborhood. We will continue to speak out on your behalf and hope our voices will be heard. Please help with this effort by contacting Rep. Camron Henry at 504-838-5433. Our Civic Association is committed to improving and protecting our incredible neighborhood and your support is the only way we can do it. The bigger our voice the more effective we become. We have also reached out to Councilman Paul Johnston’s office to set up our November 13, 2018 General Membership meeting about the Oschner Expansion and Improvements.
May Meeting Recap
Our May meeting hosted several wonderful speakers. We would like to thank Rachel Skowyra our new Recycling Coordinator with Waste Connections for teaching us the proper way to recycle. If you missed her presentation I am positive you are putting the wrong items in your recycling bin (I was). Please go to SUBURBANTERRACE.ORG and look for the link to proper recycling. Thank you Andrea Thames, with Nurse-Family Partnership Program. She presented programs that are available and sponsored by The Louisiana Department of Health. We thank Michael Greer Volunteer Coordinator for Canon Hospice and Akula Foundation for explaining volunteer programs that are available with their foundation. We consider STCA to be very fortunate to have JPSO send us 4 officers for our meeting. They provided us with crime stas for our area, gave us information about the opioid crisis and answered our member’s questions. A tremendous Thank You to JPSO. Thanks to all of our members in attendance, your encouragement keeps us going.
July 2018 Meeting
The general membership meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at Jefferson Playground, Golden Age Center (4100 South Drive). The doors will open at 6:30 pm and we will start promptly at 7:00 pm. We will be featuring our Business Expo this month. We are a community with residences and businesses side by side. STCA’s goal for 2018 was to bring its members and businesses together. The business owner or representative will be given 3 to 5 minutes to address the membership about their business and the services they provide. We will also be giving you the opportunity to mingle and ask questions. We are very excited about this event and hope you will all join us in getting to know your neighborhood businesses better. We thank anyone in advance for donating a dessert for the community table and we will most graciously accept all.
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for our next general membership meeting on September 11, 2018. We are dedicating our September meeting in honor of our 1St responders. We have booked Amanda Callagero, District Attorney’s Office Juvenile Crimes, to update information about new laws and juvenile crime in Jefferson Parish. October 16, 2018 is NIGHT OUT AGAINST CRIME PARTY. Rock N Soul will provide the music. STCA will be providing food and drinks. We hope you all can attend. Please make every effort to attend November 13, 2018 meeting about the Oschner Expansion.
Hoping your 4th of July was a BLAST!
Here is to a LAZY LABOR DAY!
Lisa G. Loup
Suburban Terrace Civic Association