I hope everyone had a fun filled Mardi Gras and we would like to wish everyone a very happy Easter. We have had a very active time in our neighborhood since our last newsletter. I have had many emails and calls about people having items such as lawn equipment, lawn ornaments, to car burglaries. I have asked the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office to send someone to speak with us on this subject and how to guard against it. We also have some suspicious characters going up to people’s doors asking for money to fix their cars. Please be sure to report these incidents to the Sheriff’s Department. Some of our neighbors took pictures of the car and license plate and sent to me which in turn sent to the police. Any time a suspicious person shows up, please call 911.
March 4th is the date for our appeal on the Newman re-subdivision. Jackie Maloney, Nancy Lewis, Lisa Loop, and many more have been working on this project. I would like to thank them for all their hard work and we will give you an update at our meeting on Tuesday, March 10th. At this meeting we will also have State Senator Conrad Appel. He will be talking to us about the upcoming Legislative Session. This should be very informative considering the upcoming budget cuts and proposals.
Councilman Paul Johnston will also be present to answer any questions you may have about what’s going on in the Parish.
We will have our Membership Appreciation Dinner at our May 12th Meeting. Our menu will consist of spaghetti casserole, corn, Italian salad, French bread, soft drinks and a variety of desserts. If you would like to help out with the set up, serving or clean up, please contact Jeanie Knesel at 739-9802 or email at hknesel@att.net. If you would like to help by bringing a dessert or door prize , we would be most grateful. We will be setting up the night before, Monday, May 9th at 7:00pm, in the Golden Age Center at Jefferson Playground. We will give certificates for service hours to anyone who helps out. Come out and meet your neighbors and make new friends. There will be music, door prizes, 50/50 raffle, and fun for all.
We are in the middle of our Membership Drive. If you have not paid your membership fee, it is $10.00 per person or $20.00 per household. We are also offering business card size ads in the newsletter for only $25.00 per year. I think it is a great value for six newsletters per year, Membership Appreciation Dinner, Night Out Against Crime Party, and Christmas Dinner/ Party., not to mention email updates on things happening in the Parish and our neighborhood.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, March 10th. at 7:00pm, in the golden Age Center, at Jefferson Playground. This will be a very informative meeting. I hope you can attend and invite your neighbors.
Thank you,
Kennith J. Lassalle