Suburban Terrace Civic Association

 May 2024 President’s Report 

Hello neighbors! 

The dog days of summer will be here before we know it! It’s time to get outside and clean up before the weather gets too hot. Hurricane season starts in June so let’s trim those trees and make repairs needed before we are under the threat of a hurricane. The National Weather Service has predicted that his will be an active season (let’s hope they’re wrong!) but let’s take the next few months to get prepared. 

March 12, 2024, Meeting Recap

Many thanks to Jackie Maloney for coming to our meeting and informing us of her qualifications for the office of Jefferson Parish District Court Judge.

Judge Maloney won her race and will serve us as Jefferson Parish District Court Judge, 24the Judicial District Court, Division D. Congratulations and thank you for taking time to speak to our association!


A brief report of the crime stats in our neighborhood was given by our Jefferson Parish Sherrif’s Office. We appreciate their attendance at our meetings and thank them for the job they do to keep our neighborhood safe. 

Neighborhood News 

As an organization, STCA is always working to keep our neighborhoods a pleasant, inviting place to live. Through the work of our Suburban Terrace Civic Association Officers, Advisory Board Members, and our Parish Councilman, Deano Bonano, we are kept updated on property variances that are filed with the Parish. 

“A variance in real estate is an exception to a zoning law. A property owner can seek a variance for any number of reasons. Area and use variances are the most frequently requested variances. Area variances allow property owners to build or construct something typically prohibited by physical zoning requirements.”

Zoning laws are in place for a reason. We want to ensure that our neighborhoods are a desirable place to live and that our properties hold their value. We review these variances and take them very seriously. Please let us know if there is something happening near you that you feel needs attention. We will be happy to check it out for you. You can reach out to us at our meetings or through our Facebook page.

Membership fees for 2024 are now due. 

Individual Membership:  $15.00/year

Household Membership:  $30.00/year

Please renew your membership at our meeting by seeing either our Treasurer, Rhonda Gauthier, or our Secretary, Kim Catalano at the welcome table or visit our website and renew online.

Online payments are payable through PayPal. 

When you are at our meeting, please visit our Advisory Board Member Suzanne Falgout to purchase 50-50 tickets. This helps add to our treasury and you could win money!

May Meeting

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at the Pink House (Thomas C. Laughlin Building) located at 4518 Jefferson Hwy. We are using this building until further notice. 

The doors open at 6:30 pm and we will start promptly at 7:00 pm.

Our Guest Speaker – May 14, 2024

Teri Hrabovski with ONE Heart NOLA. 

The vision of this organization is to see older teens and young adults (until the age of 27) who age out of the foster care system become productive and self-sufficient.

Their mission is to provide the tools and support necessary for aged out foster youth to thrive as adults. 

Please come listen to Teri speak about this service that her organization provides in the Greater New Orleans area. 

Refreshments – May 14, 2024

Refreshments for our next meeting will be churros and bottled water. Our refreshments are provided by our STCA Hospitality Committee. We thank Jeanie Knesel and Kristy Reeser for their work in providing us with a sweet treat at our meetings. 

Upcoming Events

Please put our next meeting on your calendar, July 9, 2024. 

We thank you all for your support. Your Suburban Terrace Civic Association would not be in existence without a team effort by our STCA Advisory Board Members. We live and work in this neighborhood right alongside all of you. Let us know where we can help. We do what we do on a volunteer basis to help preserve our neighborhood and make sure that it is a place we are proud to call home. 

Hope to see you at the meeting!

Judy Wolf 

STCA Advisory Board Member

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