The President’s Report
May 2022
Pink House (Thomas C. Laughlin Building) located at 4518 Jefferson Hwy.I have so enjoyed the Spring weather. The cool mornings and evenings have been great for working in the yard and spending time outdoors with the family. I was hoping our Spring weather would last longer, but it looks like high 80’s and 90’s next week. Hope everyone had a lovely Easter Celebration. The weekend weather was perfect for crawfish boils and barbecue. New Orleans also hosted the Crescent City Classic and festival season is upon us. I hope some of you will be able to attend the Jazz Festival to enjoy good food and music. It is good to see us returning to normal activities after the 2 year hiatus due to Covid.
This time of the year be on the look-out for swarming termites in the neighborhood. It is recommended to have your homes treated with termite barrier every 5-10 years. It is time to walk around your homes making sure there are no soil tracks going up the foundation or piers for the raised homes. Keep the perimeter foundation around your home clean of debris and make sure there are no leaky faucets or a water source that is close to your home. Termites need soil and water to set up their cartons in your home and prevention is the best way to keep them out.
The heat is kicking in and it is time to prepare our bodies for a long, hot summer. Make sure to have your sun hats ready with lots of sunscreen applications, drink extra fluids to prevent heat related illnesses and try not to work outdoors during the middle of the day. Please check in on our senior residents. The heat can be very hard on them doing the simplest of tasks like taking out or picking up the garbage cans. Respect and kindness for our seniors is paramount to having a great neighborhood. Thank you all for your dedication to preserving our great neighborhood.
Neighborhood News:
We have continued working with Jefferson Parish on our neighborhood beautification projects. The Jefferson Parish Parkway Department has been busy on Dodge Ave at Jefferson Hwy planting a garden by our new “Welcome to Suburban Terrace” neighborhood sign. Chinese Fringe Flower, Drift Rose bushes, and two evergreens were planted by the sign. They are exploring options to “light-up” this area. They also replaced two Oak trees on Dodge Ave. that were destroyed by Hurricane Ida. When you get a chance, drive by and check out this project. I would like to thank the Beautification Committee for spearheading this project. This is just the beginning of upcoming projects that make our neighborhood welcoming and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Another area of focus is the park on Jefferson Park and Jefferson Hwy. This is very exciting for our neighborhood. Thank you Jefferson Parish and Councilman Deano Bonano for working with us on this project.
March 2022 Meeting Recap:
Our March meeting hosted JPAWS Shannon Neil Chief Humane Officer. Information was dissemiated on how to report animal abuse and neglect. All participants found this information very useful. We also had a surprise guest speaker. Sheriff Joseph Lopinto shared with our members information on the proposed tax for the police department. I am so pleased to see that the tax passed. In addition, our JPSO representatives reviewed the neighborhood crime stats and answered questions from our members.
May 2022 Meeting:
The General Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 10, 2022 at the Pink House (Thomas C. Laughlin Building) located at 4518 Jefferson Hwy. We are using this venue until further notice. The doors open at 6:30pm and we will start promptly at 7:00pm. May is National Health Observance. In honor of this, we are holding a mini health fair for our members! We want everyone to remain healthy and most importantly stay on top of their health needs. We will have goodie bags full of health awareness information. Vice President Charles Jarreau and his wife Joan will be our presenters for this topic. Charles Jarreau is a Critical Care Nurse Practicioner and his wife Joan Jarreau is a Nurse Educator. Joan will demonstrate basic CPR and AED usage while Charles will cover health conditions such as high blood pressure, kidney disease, diabetes and blood sugar monitoring, and techniques to assist with choking. Both are registered nurses and work at Ochsner. I would like to thank Charles for working with Ochsner on putting together our goodie bags and organizing this event.
JPSO will also be in attendance to present crime stats and answer questions. Our goal is to continue to keep our neighborhood safe and to have open communication with the Sheriff’s Department.
Upcoming Events:
Our next meeting will be on July 12, 2022 at the Pink House (Thomas C. Laughlin Building) located at 4518 Jefferson Hwy. Our guest speaker will be Ron Camarota from the Louisiana Department of Insurance, Office of the Consumer. He will address hurricane preparedness and insurance. It will be good to have someone address the upcoming increase in homeowners insurance.
Wishing everyone a happy Mother’s Day and Father’s Day! “Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.” Matthew Jacobson
Happy Fourth of July! ” Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.” Herbert Hoover
Stacey Spies, Ph.D.
Vice President STCA
Suburban Terrace Civic Association