The President’s Report
January 2020
President’s Report
January 2020
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE AND ALL. Weather wise it has been a quit drey start to the new year but I am anticipating sunny days ahead. Remember the trees are all dropping their leaves which collect in the street. Every time it rains the leaves go into the Parish drainage system impacting the flow of rain water off of our streets. PLEASE LETS ALL DO OUR PART IN KEEPING OUR DRAIN BASINS CLEAN AND A BIG THANK YOU TO SO MANY NEIGHBORS THAT KEEP THEIR PROPERTIES AND DRAIN BASINS CLEAN ALL YEAR. We have lots to look forward to this year starting with a newly elected parish government. Our neighborhood association is hopeful the transition will be seamless and these officials will hit the ground running to improve our quality of life in Jefferson Parish and mostly our own little gem, Old Jefferson.
I thought for sure our beloved Saints would go to the Super Bowl this year but I am grateful for their winning season and can’t wait for the next football season to start. For all of the LSU fans Go TIGERS GO.
Mardi Gras is right around the corner and there will be lots of parades to attend. Please keep a careful eye on the little ones as the floats pass by.
We wish you all a Safe, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. Looking forward to seeing you all at the General Membership Meetings.
Neighborhood News
On November 16, 2019 we elected Deano Bonano as our new District 2 Councilman for Jefferson Parish. We congratulate him and look forward to working with him to improve our quality of life in our neighborhood. JPSO continues to give us encouraging news about our low crime rates in Old Jefferson. Please keep up the great work we do by reporting any suspicious activities and/or suspicious persons.
Accomplishments by STCA in 2019
1 We initiated our campaign to fight against speeding violations on our neighborhood streets by using signage to increase awareness of the issue.
2 Hosted a successful night out against crime event.
3 Hosted a delicious membership dinner event using all local neighborhood restaurants.
4 Continue to highlight existing and new businesses in our area.
5 Identified areas of concern in our neighborhood and presented these concerns to our new Councilman, and Parish President.
6 Have assisted JPSO in reducing crime in our area by promoting awareness and encouraging residents to report any suspicious activities/persons.
7 Hosted the largest political campaign forum in the history of STCA.
8 Worked with code enforcement to reduce business and residential violations
9 Continuing efforts to maintain zoning restrictions are ongoing
10 Have encouraged and supported Jefferson Parish for maintaining the trees on Jefferson Highway.
11 Meeting our members needs by hosting informative general membership meetings on requested topics such as public safety, community services, health and wellness, politically awareness and many other interesting topics.
12 Continuing a strong partnership with our neighborhood farmers market.
November 2019 Meeting Recap
We were very fortunate to have had John Done, Fire District Chief, with Jefferson Parish Fire Department speak to us. John has 31 years of service experience and he had exceptional knowledge to share with us about FIRE SAFETY. John has been a member of Suburban Terrace Civic Association since 1992. He is very familiar with our area and the age of many of our homes. He gave us important information on how to spot problems before they become a fire issue. John also brought lots of handout gifts from Jefferson Parish Fire Department. Many thanks to John Done and Jefferson Parish Fire Department.
Deano Bonano and Micheal O’Brien also joined us for their last words before the important election on November 16. This gave us the opportunity to ask questions about important issues before we made our final decision on who to vote for.
We had a wonderful turkey raffle. A TREMENDOUS THANK YOU to Kim Catalano Realestate, for Donating 10 Turkeys for the giveaway. She brightened up your Thanksgiving and remind us all that this was the season to give from the heart.
January 2020 Meeting
The 2020 Census is rapidly approaching and our board thought it would be a good idea to have many questions about the process answered. We have Ms Adele London with the Federal Government coming to answer all of our questions on January 14, 2020. The Federal census sets the stage for many funding opportunities for Louisiana and the parish in which we reside. The census takes many forms and a couple of examples are labor census and population census. Each census taken gives our elected officials the information needed to represent all of us. There is lots of information Ms London has to share with us to make sure we are all comfortable with Census 2020.
Our January 14, 2020 meeting will take place at Jefferson Playground Room 2 above the gym (4100 South Drive). The doors will open at 6:30 pm and the meeting will start promptly at 7:00 pm. We appreciate any and all desserts provided by members and thank you in advance for your contributions.
Upcoming Events
We have left our March 10, 2020 meeting calendar open as of right now. We need your input for topics that are important to you. We will do everything we can to accomplish your requests for information you need and/or want. We have several ideas for guest speakers but before confirming we want to involve you. This is your association and we are here to help provide the information you would like to hear about. Please put your thinking caps on and let us know how we can be of service to you.
May 12, 2020 is our membership dinner with our local neighborhood restaurants. Yummy, yummy! Please mark your calendars.
Happy Mardi Gras and a Blessed Lenten Season!
Lisa G Loup
President STCA
Suburban Terrace Civic Association