President’s Report
March 2020
Mardi Gras has come and gone. Spring is upon us and the azaleas are in full bloom. Taking a deep breath after a rain can clear our heads. Enjoy the beauty that spring blooms give us and know the heat is fast approaching. Lent is a time for reflection about our own individual faith, but for all should be a time for kindness and understanding towards others in our community. I have found it takes for less energy to be kind and understanding than it takes to be angry and confrontational. Social media can be a great way to get the word out fast to everyone but it can also be detrimental to others voicing their opinions. Please be consider toward your neighbors and realize that silence gets more attention than the words of anger. Change begins with you. I look forward to seeing you all at the General Membership Meetings.
Neighborhood News
Our community is growing and changing daily with new businesses, renovation of residential and new construction. In some ways it is exciting and in other ways it can be scary. Change always comes at a cost and we have to decide who will pay. Our neighborhood’s tranquility thrives on the mature trees throughout our area. I have witnesses many health mature trees removed from our neighborhood in the name of progress. We as a community must realize the importance of mature trees and express our concern for their removal. We should encourage the protection of these mature trees and encourage neighbors to replant reforestation quality trees on their properties. It take 30 to 50 years for these new trees to give us back what we have removed. Please consider the negative impact you may make on our environment by removing health mature trees and consider all alternatives before removal.
We are all very concerned about Jefferson Elementary closing. We all have questions concerning our little ones and are very hopeful for their future education. We should also be concerned about another vacant building in our neighborhood. STCA will be reaching out to the school board about their plans and hope to gain information about this issue. We are hoping for the best.
Welcome our two new businesses Highway Fried Chicken and Southern Girls Cafe. Your support is always appreciated.
JPSO continues to give us encouraging news about our low crime rates in Old Jefferson. Please keep up the great work we do by reporting any suspicious activities and/or suspicious persons.
January 2020 Meeting Recap
The 2020 Census is rapidly approaching and we were fortunate to have Ms Adele London with the Federal Government as our guest speaker to answer all of our questions on January 14, 2020. The Federal census sets the stage for many funding opportunities for Louisiana and the parish in which we reside. The census takes many forms and a couple of examples are labor census and population census. Each census taken gives our elected officials the information needed to represent all of us. Thanks so much to Ms Adele London for an excellent presentation.
Please attend our next general membership meeting March 10, 2020 and let us know if you need help.
Thanks to JPSO for being there in full force to answer all of our members questions and to report on the area crime Stats. We are Blessed to have them partner with us to keep our community safe.
Special thanks to Cristina with the Farmers Market for sharing the fruits of the market with us. We love the samples they bring. Yummy!!!!!
We had a surprise visit from Chrissy with JP Environmental Affairs. She answered questioned about recycling and projects available for us. Thanks Chrissy for the information you provided.
March 2020 Meeting
We are pleased to welcome our Councilman Elect, Deano Bonano, and our Director of Code Enforcement, Aimee Vallot, to our March 10, 2020 meeting as our guest speakers. We are all looking forward to our Parish’s future plans and Councilman Bonano holds the key to improving our area. We are still in the fight to clean up Jefferson Highway’s blighted properties and will continue to bring awareness to this problem. It is important for you all to attend to show support for our neighborhood’s fight to make our neighborhood the best it can be. If you have any issues to discuss please be prepared with the address of problem property and any photos of the problem to be discussed.
Our Farmers Market Authority, Cristina is bringing the mushroom man with samples for us to take home. I love mushrooms, Yummy.
JPSO will also be available with the crime Stats and to answer your questions.
Our March 10, 2020 meeting will take place at Jefferson Playground Golden Age Center (4100 South Drive). The doors will open at 6:30 pm and the meeting will start promptly at 7:00 pm.
We appreciate any and all desserts provided by members and thank you in advance for your contributions.
Upcoming Events
May 12, 2020 is our membership dinner with our local neighborhood restaurants. I have invited lots of public officials to join us. Keeping my fingers crossed they can work it into their calendars. Yummy, yummy! Please mark your calendars.
July 14, 2020 is the date of our following general membership meeting and we are in contact with the new administration to find out if their are any changes to hurricane preparedness we need to know about.
If you are interested in a topic please let us know because we are here to serve and it is important we get you the information you want to know.
Blessings to you in this Lenten Season, Have a Fabulous St Patrick Day and Happy Easter to All!
Lisa G Loup
President STCA