The President’s Report
May 2019
I was hoping our Spring weather would hang around for a while but on the evening of May 2, 2019 the nasty termites were swarming around the neighborhood. This swarming activity always gives me the creeps. It is recommended to have your homes treated with termite barrier every 5-10 years. It is time to walk around your homes making sure there are no soil tracks going up the foundation or piers for the raised homes. Keep the perimeter foundation around your home clean of debris and make sure there are no leaky faucets or a water source that is close to your home. Termites need soil and water to set up their cartons in your home and prevention is the best way to keep them out.
The heat is kicking in and it is time to prepare our bodies for a long, hot summer. Make sure to have your sun hats ready with lots of sunscreen applications, drink extra fluids to prevent heat related illnesses and try not to work outdoors during the middle of the day. Please check in on our senior residents. The heat can be very hard on them doing the simplest of tasks like taking out or picking up the garbage cans. Respect and kindness for our seniors is paramount to having a great neighborhood. Thank you all for your dedication to preserving our great neighborhood.
Neighborhood News
We have continued working with Jefferson Parish on our Jefferson Highway Reforestation Tree Planting. We have lost about 85% of the first tree planting and Jefferson Parish is standing by their word to replant new trees. This morning I saw Jefferson Parish Parkway Department planting the new trees. This is very exciting for our neighborhood. Thank you Jefferson Parish.
There has been a lot of discussions recently on Nextdoor Neighbor about the increased airplane traffic concerns. We addressed this issue 2 years ago and were told there would be an impact study taking place in 2018. This issue has not improved in our area and with the new interest taking place I am reaching out to our members to ask if this still concerns you. We will discuss this topic at our next general membership meeting May 14.
March 2019 Meeting Recap
Our March meeting hosted JPSO as our first speaker. They reviewed the neighborhood crime stats from 1st and 4th district for us and answered all concerning questions from our members.
Parish President Yenni presented his State of the Parish Address. He had a visual presentation for our members and reviewed all of the projects completed and on going in our parish. We opened the floor for question and answer time. I was very proud of the intelligent, well thought out questions our members asked. We are a neighborhood involved in keeping up to date on our parish’s future and this will continue to keep our neighborhood moving in the right direction.
President Yenni’s assistant has sent a lengthy response for any unanswered questions. The response will be available at the meeting on May 14.
STCA put together our State of Old Jefferson Address with a visual presentation. We presented our concerns about the lack of improvements along Jefferson Highway, the abandon businesses, and the suspicious happenings affecting all of us. This address was meant to enlighten our parish officials about our needs as a neighborhood and our desire for them to start working toward improving these issues.
Thank you Cristina Berthelot with the Farmers Market for stopping by and bringing yummy samples for our members to take home. Please support our Neighborhood Farmers Market on Wednesday’s from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm at the corner of Jefferson Hwy and Maine Street.
May 2019 Meeting
The General Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at Jefferson Playground Golden Age Center (4100 South Drive). The doors open at 6:30pm and we will start promptly at 7:00pm. STCA will be sponsoring our SPRING FLING MEMBERSHIP DINNER. We will have a delicious menu to include: pulled pork, green beans, salad, breads and desserts. We reached out to our neighborhood restaurants to provide our members with all their yummy foodies. This dinner will be a great way for us to thank ourselves for bonding together to make our neighborhood be the best it can. We will be serving from 7:00 – 7:30 pm and then our first guest speaker will begin.
We are pleased to host Milton Schleismann, New Orleans District Manager , and Rose Broggi, Agriculture Environmental Specialist, to present “How to Hire a Properly Licensed Landscape Horticulturalist and Arborist without being Scammed”. This could help save you time and money.
Our 2nd speaker is Steve Pavolich the Director of Jefferson Parish Mosquito Control. Mr. Pavolich will give us all the updated information regarding their program and things you can do to help prevent mosquito issues around your home. We had a very wet, warm winter and we will have a large mosquito population this year and this should give you all the info you need to combat this problem.
We will also have JPSO represented with our finest for Stats and Questions to help keep our neighborhood safe.
Upcoming Events
We are working hard to have our Business Expo in July. We had 11 neighborhood businesses represented last year and hope to have many more participate this year. September will be our candidates forum meeting. We have our parish elections coming up October 12, 2019. It is very important to meet the candidates and know the issues before voting in this election. We hope to give our members the opportunity to do both at our September General Membership Meeting. We look forward to having a wonderful dinner with our neighbor on May 14.
Lisa G Loup
Suburban Terrace Civic Association